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Kaddie Shack

Hi-Flo™ Horsepower Enhancement Kit For Dual Kadrons

Hi-Flo™ Horsepower Enhancement Kit For Dual Kadrons


Regular price $32.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $32.95 USD
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Air Filter Type

This kit replaces the stock air cleaner mounting bracket with an improved model for less restriction and better breathing. We've seen gains as much as 8 horsepower during dyno testing for Hot VW's Magazine and have been thoroughtly impressed ever since.

This kit helps knock down reversion and fuel standoff, and provides better power throughout the powerband when using air cleaners.  There are no goofy holes to drill in your air cleaner lids, either.  Two models are available:  One fits standard (NEW STYLE) air cleaners and one to fit the original (OLD STYLE) stock air cleaner cans, which are slightly shorter and can be identified as having the perforated metal cage around them.  These will not fit the conical, or pod type air cleaners.  These kits also come with wing-nuts and EPDM rubber wing nut seals.  We have another kit (OUR DELUXE KIT) that includes a float bowl vent welded on for off-road applications.

MADE IN USA at the Kaddie Shack.

One kit does both carburetors.


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