Tech Help

Kaddie Shack Tech TV: VW Technical Help & Tutorials
Installations, Tuning, & Repairs Made Easy For Air-Cooled VW's
In order to help our customers, as well as the VW community at large, with troubleshooting problems and completing their installations successfully we have a worked very hard at creating online videos and downloads. Our hope is that these resources make it easier for the average guy who's not a VW mechanic to accomplish their goals in upgrading their air-cooled Volkswagen. These tutorials are here to help guide you through some of the more common issues that come up during installations, tuning, building your engine, or upgrading your vehicle. Please visit YouTube Channel also, but we have them here in a central location so you always know where they are. We cover many of the topics we encounter with ignition systems, Solex H40/44EIS carburetors, and building performance motors, and will continue to add to this collection as often as we can. We are dedicated to helping you become successful with your build, no matter how mild or wild it is.
Video Links:
Kadron Solex H40/44EIS Carburetors
Jetting and Venturis Replacement and Tech Info
How To Set Up Dual Cam Heim Joint Linkage
How To Remove Kadron Air Cleaner Brackets
Adjusting Kadron Accelerator Pumps, Eliminating Flat Spots
How To Service Dual Carb Air Cleaners
Vintage Style Air Cleaner Options
How To Install Kadron Velocity Stacks
How To Install Kadron Racing Hard Fuel Line Kit
Type 4 Tips & Tricks for Kadron Installation
Installing Kadron Intake Manifold Gaskets
Match-Porting Kadron Intake Manifolds
Pertronix VW Distributors
Installing the Pertronix SVDA Distributor
Pertronix Ignitor 3 Features & Installation
Type 4 Pertronix SVDA Distributor Installation
Front Beam Info
Building Narrowed or Stock Beam Info
Engine Assembly Tips & Tricks
How To Modify & Install Crankshaft Main Bearings
Just Plain Fun Stuff
Kaddie Shack Installs Single Weber
Trick For Installing Taillight Bulbs
Kaddie Shack Drag Night #3 (Total Blast!)